Random Thoughts and Encouragement

Our goal is to always provide a positive, encouraging, life-giving, and joy-spreading experience.

It Was Obedience to God That Saved The World

It Was Obedience to God That Saved The World

I think it’s safe to say that we are living in the midst of an epidemic – an epidemic of evil that is. News of killing, stealing, and destroying is everywhere we turn. It’s as if the world is trying to see how far and how quickly we can push beyond yesterday’s level...

Living on Hope During Storms of Uncertainty

Living on Hope During Storms of Uncertainty

There once was a leader on a major power trip. He took away people’s freedoms and tried to oppress them. And as with most leaders who define themselves by their title and power, he constantly needed an increase in power to feel significant. The status quo was never...

Arm Locking Strength in a Whirlpool

Arm Locking Strength in a Whirlpool

We have a circular pool and one of the summer’s must-do every year is create a whirlpool in the water. One of the kids will start swimming around the perimeter and without even a declaration of the plan, all the kids cohesively start walking, swimming, and marching in...

Overcoming the Nothingness

Overcoming the Nothingness

We have to be intentional with our thoughts now more than ever. Despite my better judgement I am announcing I was an 80’s child. Rainbow Brite. Care Bears. You name it. If it enhanced my creative make-believe playtime, I was a fan! Movies that encouraged imagination...

Happy Boss’s Day

Happy Boss’s Day

Boss lady. She-E-O. Girl Boss. MOMpreneur. You either love or hate the nicknames some female bosses have embraced. To be honest, I do not really have a preference what title would display on a desk nameplate. I do own my own business so that should qualify me for Boss...

Good-bye Gluten and Negativity

Good-bye Gluten and Negativity

I love walking down the bread aisle at the grocery store. As a former gluten eater, it does induce a small twinge of nostalgia, but mostly it brings a smile, a reminder and a sense of peace. When I first started Red Door Marketing, I was feeling a little (okay a lot!)...

Feeling Grateful

Feeling Grateful

Before I start client projects in my office, I take a moment to say an entrepreneur's prayer. I give thanks to God for his hands on my business and I ask for continued guidance that I may execute my day in a way that is pleasing to him. In this prayer I also thank God...

Marketing Back in the Day

Marketing Back in the Day

The Bible reference Jesus as a carpenter, a trade He likely learned from His father. As someone who is better suited to create digital products, I admire the craftsmanship given to those skilled in building with their hands. I often wonder what business was like back...

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